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For directions to the Hermitage, click here.

Vimokkharam does not offer retreat or residential opportunities for visitors.

Anchor 1

Visiting Times

Open between 10.00am - 1.00pm, Friday - Wednesday (closed Thursdays).

The daily meal is offered to the Sangha shortly after 10am each day. Please arrive for 10am if you would like to make offerings.

After the meal, there is time for receiving visitors and Dhamma discussion.

The hermitage closes each day when visitors have left - usually no later than 1pm, but sometimes before.

Other times by appointment; please visit the Contact page.

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Rains' Retreat

Asalha Puja

Saturday 20th July from 7.30pm to after midnight


Nightly chanting

Every night from Sunday 21st July until end of Rains', from 7.30 to 9.00 pm (longer on moon day observances)

Meditators welcome, but no teachings will be given and monks won't be 'receiving visitors' or receiving offerings.

Anchor 5

Meditation & Dhamma Discussion

Sundays 3.00 - 5.00pm (winter hours)

4.00 - 6.00pm (daylight savings);

Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Anchor 4


Pindapata is the monastic practice of walking through a town or village to collect alms food, as observed by Theravada Buddhist monks, and especially forest monks, who have gone forth from ‘home life’ to ‘homelessness’. Monks at Vimokkharam follow a vow to uphold this practise every day that they intend to eat. Anyone with a generous or faithful heart is welcome to make food offerings into the monks’ bowls.

Those wishing to offer food into the monks’ bowls should be at the Kallista Shops at 9.45am or at the Hermitage site (29 Perrins Creek Road, Kallista) at 10.00am.


Garden Working Bees

3rd Sunday of the month

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