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Somdet Phra Wanrut (Tup Buddhasiri)
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He was one of the most influential monks of the pioneering group of reformers who began the Dhammayuttika Nikāya in about 1829. Originally a mentor for the monk who disrobed to become King Mongkut (Rama IV), he refused to disrobe when offered a position as one of the most powerful men in the kingdom, saying that he was only interested in one thing: realising Nibbāna. He was known for his uncompromising practise, wandering tudong in the forests when he had a chance and constantly devoted to meditation. Many of the surviving photographs of him show him contemplating actual decaying human bodies. He was widely held to have realised Noble path and fruit in the bell-tower of his monastery, Wat Somanut, in Bangkok. Many of his teachings were collected and printed by his disciples, and these were a big influence on such notable monks as Tan Chao Khun Upālī and Luang Pu Sao Kantasīlo.


A skilfully compiled collection of talks that form a progressive discourse on how to understand and practise the Buddha's teachings about meditation.

Tan Chao Khun Upālī Guṇūpamājahn
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In his time, he was the most famous and brilliant monk in Siam. Widely respected by everyone, he was 14 years Luang Pu Mun's senior and was his most important teacher. He was probably the Wilderness Tradition's single biggest benefactor in the early days: he was a true spiritual friend to many, a preceptor for Luang Pu Waen and Luang Pu Dteu, and a powerful advocate for them all in Bangkok, where the elites initially distrusted and reviled them. Luang Pu Mun highly respected and praised him, telling his close disciples that Chao Khun Upālī was an arahant with all the attainments it was possible to have. For all his accomplishments, he was most well known for the excellence of his Dhamma teaching.


During the vassa 1926, Chao Khuṇ Upālī Guṇūpamājahn gave a series of talks explaining the good qualities of the Saṅgha. During these three months, he touched upon a wide range of virtues the monks have individually, or collectively as a Saṅgha. Chao Khuṇ Upālī is almost like a magician who enchants his audience by pulling one amazing quality after the other out of his hat. But he keeps returning to a single virtue as the anchor of all goodness. The Saṅgha is “supaṭipanno”, it has entered upon a path and practised well.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka


During the vassa 1925, Chao Khuṇ Upālī took his audience on a guided tour around the Buddha's Dhamma. He explained the Tipiṭaka, the three baskets of the Buddha's teaching, showing their characteristics to give us a better understanding of the architecture of the Buddha's teaching. The following talks were trips into even more challenging terrain, presenting three different paths for leaving the world and how they ultimately merge into one. This series comprises eleven talks providing plenty of food for thought and inspiration for one's practice.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka


For 20 years, Chao Khun Upāli only gave talks on the virtues of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha. After 20 years, he declared that he had taught all he had to say on the matter and began speaking on other topics. This is a complilation of many of his talks on the virtues of the Buddha.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka


On the 100th anniversary of WWI, a voice you don't hear very often: the most famous monk in the country speaking truth to power, and the truth about war, wrapped in the finery of an excellent Dhamma talk.


A beautiful and profound book of talks, with a large section of questions and answers.


The full section of his autobiography in which he relates his own spiritual practise. It gives some interesting and helpful background to the most profound teachings in 'The Natural Character of Awakening'.

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An unusual talk on the Buddha's most profound teaching, made plain. Some familiarity with Dependent Co-arising is needed to understand and appreciate this talk.

Luang Pu Waen Suciṇṇo
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Luang Pu Waen was one of Luang Pu Mun's early disciples who followed him up into the north of Thailand. Many of Luang Pu Mun's disciples became great monks, but only a handful of them became legendary in their own right. Luang Pu Waen was one of them. Reclusive and unworldly by nature, he was the most famous monk in Thailand when he died and was King Bhumiphol's (Rāma IX) favourite Ajaan. Although he was a monk who spoke little, his fame in the last years of his life meant that many of the teachings he did give were recorded. His talks were regarded by monks as extremely profound and absolutely right to the point.


Luang Pu Waen's biography, his collected teachings, and recollections about him from others. The official Wat Doi Mae Pang book on Luang Pu Waen Suciṇṇo.

Luang Pu Dteu Acaladhammo
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Luang Pu Dteu was a close spiritual friend of Luang Pu Waen and one of Luang Pu Mun's most trusted disciples. He also followed Luang Pu Mun up into the north of Thailand and built a number of monasteries in the province of Chiang Mai, staying there for several decades after Luang Pu Mun left. He had an absolutely fearless, unorthodox character and massive accomplishments in all areas of meditation. His life story and way of teaching Dhamma were like no one else at all.

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In this typically unusual, humourous, crude and profound talk, Luang Pu Dteu teaches about the true heart of the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha.

Luang Pu Fun Ācāro
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Luang Pu Fun was another first-generation disciple of Luang Pu Mun Bhūridatto. He was known for his powerful meditation and all-around exemplary character as a monk. He remained in the northeast of Thailand, mostly in and around his ancestral area of Phannaa Nikom district of Sakon Nakhorn province, and became a very influential figure within the circle of forest monks. Following one of the quiet (but common) principles of the forest tradition, his teaching and practise was often concerned with sympathy and solidarity towards the less fortunate strata of society. He has a number of great disciples in Thailand who survive him, and he is roundly considered one of the ideal teachers and role models within the tradition.


Given on January 1st, 1976, Luang Pu Fun reflects on the beginning of a New Year. What do we value, what do we want in life, and where is that going to come from?

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Given on May 11th, 1970, Luang Pu Fun begins this talk as a guided meditation, moving into a profound explanation of the nature of the knowing mind, the grasping mind, and how we use meditation to master our skill over states of being. This leads us to the point where we can experience a complete release from suffering.

Luang Por Guṇha Sukhakāmo

Luang Por Guṇha is actually a nephew of the great Ajahn Chah, although he has long since established himself as a great Ajahn and teacher in his own right. As a young monk he was known as an austere tudong monk with an unrelenting determination and fearless commitment to sacrifice for the sake of his practise. Nowadays, he is highly revered for the power of his meditation, particularly his mettā, and for the simple 'straight talk' of his teaching style. He currently lives in Nakhorn Ratchasima province, Thailand.


A collection of short quotes from Luang Por Guṇha, capturing the powerful simplicity of his style of teaching and practise.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka


A second volume of recent quotes from Luang Por Guṇha, published in October 2016, once again capturing the powerful simplicity of his style of teaching and practise.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka

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A collection of talks given by Luang Por Guṇha between May and October 2019, found to be most relevant for foreigners.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka

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Jai Dee - Jai Sabai: Delivery 42

A collection of talks given by Luang Por Guṇha in July and August 2013 in preparation to enter the annual rains retreat. This series offers a comprehensive picture of Luang Por's teaching.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka

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A compilation of Dhamma talks given by Luang Por Guṇha over the course of several years on the occasion of memorial services for deceased disciples of his.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka

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A compilation of talks on Monastery Etiquette given by Luang Por Guṇha at Wat Pah Subthawee Dhammārām over the course of several years.

- translated from the Thai by Sāmaṇerī Viveka

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A series of Dhamma quotes by Luang Por Guṇha.

- translated from the Thai by Luang Por Nyanadhammo

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